'Canning Frozen Fish | Preserving the Freezer'

'Canning Frozen Fish | Preserving the Freezer'
05:39 Oct 17, 2021
'We had 2 bags of frozen fish in the freezer that we never thought to cook.  it would be going bad soon, so why not take it out and can it for quick meal prep.  in this video I canned 2 lbs of frozen Cod that I let thaw in the fridge.  if you have canned Cod or Salmon before leave me some recipe ideas in the comments below. Thanks for watching! ____________________________  Want to show some Support for our Channel?  Shop from this link to Amazon.  Every price you pay, will be exactly the same as it would be without the link, but we get a small kick-back from Amazon to help support our channel:  http://shop.1870shomestead.com ____________________________  Our Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/that_1870s_homestead/ Our Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/1870sHomestead/ ____________________________  #canning #canningfish #foodpreservation #homesteading #preservingfish #cod #salmon ____________________________' 

Tags: how to , tutorial , Homestead , salmon , step by step , homesteading , COD , Preservation , food preservation , canning , jars , canning fish , head space , finger tight , fish in jars , preserving fish , pressure canning fish , home canned fish

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